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Thème : Suria Namaskar et ouverture de cœur à l’entrée du printemps

Au cours de ce nouvel atelier de yoga vous feriez l’alliance entre le yoga, la marche et la montagne. Nous avons choisi ce moment délicieux début printemps avec l’énergie omniprésent. C’est un atelier de yoga à la fois dynamique et relaxant pour vous enrichir des bienfaits du yoga dans l’espace montagnard.

Martina raconte son expérience:

I spent a great outdoor yoga event with CABcamp Yoga. With this small summary of the happening I would like to say thanks to Gerda as well as to the participants present that day.

As we met at 9 in front of the studio on this Saturday morning, we were all ready with our yoga mat and a raincoat in our light backpacks. Although the weather forecast was not that brilliant, it was dry so far and the group met in good mood and high spirit.

After we introduced ourselves briefly, we started our walk along the “Ariège” river. As the theme of the Atelier was Suri Namaskar – which is Sanskrit for sun salutations – and open heart for spring, we spent the first part of our walking by paying attention to our breath and heartbeat. We also paid attention to how it accelerates when we get in front of an unexpected obstacle and how to calm it down again. In the same way we can keep calm during unexpected events in real life.

On the beautiful plateau of “Arques”, the first yoga session with some sun salutations was taking place. After another hour of walking, we reached our pick-nick place with a great view on the surrounding mountains and the rockface “Quié de Sinsat”. Next, a meditation in a quiet, hidden space we indulged ourselves in the spirit of the mountains and the force of spring. After we made our way back home, the atelier ended with a restorative and smooth Yin Yoga session close to the studio. I wish you all a beautiful springtime.

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